1:30 PM Shinjinee: You've been invited to this chat room!
rs2366@caa.columbia.edu has joined
rs2366@caa.columbia.edu has left
Shinjinee: tee hee
me (@ gmail): what?
Shinjinee: why did you leave?
Shinjinee: aah
me (@gmail): i didn't mean to
i don't know what's happening
1:31 PM Shinjinee: you are not currently online
it logged you off?
me (@gmail): no, i logged off
hang on
i'll go baclk
1:32 PM okay, now ask me to join
while i go pee
and live in wonder
will i?
won't i?
it's like dating
...or so i'm told.
1:34 PM rs2366@caa.columbia.edu has joined
Shinjinee: you are here twiceeee
1:36 PM me (@gmail): hahah
1:37 PM me (@caa...): oh holy god
i don't even have the mind power to do all of this
bouncing back and forth
me (@gmail): ahhh
i type it in one place, and it shows up in the other!
hello, self
myyyy, you look LOVELY today
me (@caa...): why, THANK YOU, self!
1:38 PM you do not look so shabby, either!
me (@gmail): well, la dee da!
hellooooooooo, dolly
yes, helloooooooo, dolly
it's so NICE to have you back where you beloooooong...
1:39 PM take it away, self!
me (@caa...): you're looking sweeeeell, dolly
i can teeeeeeell, dolly
you're still glowing!
me (@gmail): you're still growing!
me (@caa...): you're still...
me (@gmail): ...going stroong!
1:42 PM Shinjinee: this is so great
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